7-Minute Workout

Oct 23, 2020


Why can’t we simply microwave our way to great fitness, relationships, appreciation, or confidence? Here’s what efficiency experts won’t tell you.

I’m an efficiency and process freak! When I’m stuck in traffic, I reimagine energy-saving transportation solutions or wonder what systems are involved in the proficient mass-production of break light covers. Oh, I’m a riot in the workout room, too! I master my most effective workout routine, the one that gives the most strength, cardio-fitness, and flexibility for my investment of time. Maybe you’ve been tempted by the 7-Minute Workout video as seen on TV-- only to find out you could have purchased the 6-Minute Workout video?!

Well, I actually had a 5-Minute Workout this week on our new exercise equipment. Not counting the hour of assembly time (which was relatively efficient), here’s my workout diary:

  • DAY 1: Adjusted seat 5-7 times; pressed all the buttons just to see what would happen; got hit by oscillating arm bars 12 times.
    Workout: 5 minutes; Total Time: 25 minutes.
  • DAY 2: Adjusted seat only 3-4 times; forget the seat-- stood up on pedals; got hit by oscillating arm bars bars 4 more times; had to rest on seat.
    Workout: 12 minutes; Total Time: 25 minutes.
  • DAY 3: Adjusted the seat once; ignored all the buttons; avoided oscillating arm bars completely; registered a slight heart rate increase; arms and legs tired, but not sore.
    Workout: 18 minutes; Total Time: 20 minutes.

Some things, like learning, just aren’t efficient. What else is equally inefficient?

  1. Building Relationships: Typical relationships are built on interest and trust-- and that takes time. Some business relationships create extra tension because hard-earned money is exchanged for painstakingly-fashioned products and services. Over time, sincerely adding value will pay off.
  2. Showing Appreciation: As children we are trained to say “thank you”. It is a short, polite phrase, yet not always enough to truly express gratitude. Thankfulness doesn’t count unless the receiver truly feels treasured. Over time, thoughtful, selfless actions demonstrate appreciation.
  3. Developing Confidence: Confidence is an elusive construct. One that is a combination of trial and error, long-term commitment, and profound courage. Over-night triumph is what happens the day after weeks, months or sometimes years of attention. Over time, certainty in our abilities does mature.

In a world of efficiency experts and fast forward buttons, we can’t simply microwave our way to overall fitness, deep relationships, sincere appreciation, or daring confidence. We can’t just press buttons to see what they do, we must truly practice focus, thoughtfulness, and patience. Discovery, partnerships, gratefulness, and boldness can’t be mass-produced. They all come at a price—investment of time. Curious about what happened on Day 4 in my Workout Journal? Ask me!

by Michelle Sugerman • Leading Synergies, LLC • © All Rights Reserved

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