What do eagles teach about adjustment, the effortless, and the proven? What do birds have to do with planes, controversy, and the United States seal?
In 1903, the Wright brothers were credited with the first repeatable flight of an aircraft. By definition, an airplane must be heavier than air, manned and powered, take off and land under its own power, and controllable along all three axes (more on that later).1 Have you ever wondered how planes fly? I really never...
The sign says, “Don’t Be Fooled…”! What does that have to do with a big rig loaded to the maximum of weight 80,000 pounds, hot brakes, and hairpin curves?
You can’t miss this sign on east-bound I-70, it reads: “Truckers Don’t Be Fooled, You’re Not Down Yet”. Drivers pass under the Continental Divide (via Eisenhower Tunnel) and in about 60 miles descend almost 6000 feet into Denver, CO. Dan Hopkins, former...
I dug into the tiny white paper bag and tasted my first chestnut. How do expectations and repurposing play into our much-needed Do Overs?
One of our family traditions is going to New York to see a musical the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. As you know, I love New York and I have a crazy pair of pants with the I NY logo printed all over them to prove it! During one visit to the city, I insisted on getting a bag of roasted chestnuts. They...
Let’s reflect on the Leader’s Field Guides from 2020Q3. As you focus on "identity", how can you develop more clarity and intentional expression?
It’s time for a review! Reflect on 2020Q3 and consider what you’ve incorporated into your leadership and what needs more attention. Think about how each topic challenges you to reflect on your professional and personal identity. Are those identities different? How can you enhance your leadership...
In 1975, The O'Jays sang about "Livin' for the Weekend" Sound familiar? Ironically, there IS a better way. Taking breaks allow for more productivity!
Is it you? Are you the one with hunched shoulders and drooped head? The one who mopes around every weekday until Friday around noon? Then, after confirming a clean getaway, and with more enthusiasm displayed all week, you stuff papers into a dogeared folder, jam your laptop into its bag, collect the four thermoses you...
Let’s reflect on the Leader’s Field Guides from 2020Q2. As you focus on "change", what habits would help you develop more acceptance and adaptability?
It’s time for a review! Reflect on 2020Q2 and consider what you’ve incorporated into your leadership and what needs more attention. Think about how each topic challenges you to reflect on the change you, your teams, and your family members are experiencing. How can you enhance your...
We play roles on a stage called "Workplace". What's your starring role? Are you enabling? Empowering? Pick a Triangle and start practicing your lines!
I love a good science-fiction movie! I would choose that or a thrilling mystery over a drama. And though we may not agree on the best film genre, we probably could agree that mystery and drama belong on the Silver Screen rather than in the workplace. I’m sure you’ve either observed or been caught up in the...
Quarantined families experience the longest Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day-- EVER, as sharing the workplace experience takes on new meaning.
In the US, the fourth Thursday of April marks Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work (TODASTW) Day. On this day, children of all ages are escorted by a parent or mentor for the purpose of sharing the workplace experience. Marie C. Wilson, Gloria Steinem, and Carolyn McKecuen, who created the concept in 1992, were...
The ISS "looks" quiet and peaceful as it orbits the earth at 18000 MPH! Leaders need spacesuits to prevent damage, achieve goals, and focus energy.
Ever feel like you’re on a spacewalk? Are you suited up for the challenges of mission critical tasks and environmental extremes? According to National Geographic, astronauts orbiting the earth see the sun rise and set every forty-five minutes. You hear the sound of your teeth chattering, your breathing, and the sound of...
Bill Joiner’s Change Model addresses "effective action in complex, rapidly changing conditions." What's your Agile Leadership arena, level, and type?
Right now, my gym is closed. So, I am doing all of my fitness training at home. I alternate between free-weight strength training and my new (and dreaded) cardio-focused High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) routine. As with all new endeavors, it is hard to perform at the highest level without a bit of conditioning....
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